Cairo Declaration

The Cairo Declaration was a film made in 2015 to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the end of the Sino-Japanese war. I was in Ireland at the time but I was invited to come and play the part of the British ambassador Sir Archibald Clark-Kerr, who was stationed in Chongqing at that time. I only had one scene but it was the opener for the film so it was fairly crucial. Watching it now I wish I had made my delivery more dramatic, but at the time I didn’t realise I was going to be intercut with bombs and fighter planes.

This film had an unfortunate history itself which you can read about here. Because the advertisers put out a poster featuring Mao Ze Dong (who was in Yan’An at the time and never went anywhere near Cairo), the public concluded that the film would be a complete distortion of the history. Actually the film was quite accurate and gave a very sympathetic portrayal of the activities of Chiang kai-Shek and Song Meiling and their part in the negotiations.

This clip is a bit strange, it loses the sound in one or two places. Also the editors did something strange and had me speaking before I opened my mouth. No doubt they reasoned that being English I was quite capable of speaking out of my posterior when required.